“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Hello Everyone!

I realize it has been a while since I posted anything, I’m sorry about that! Life is very busy and comes with all sorts of surprises that keep us busy. Some of you may know about the resent allegations and responses toward the way a few of the Christian Universities like Pensacola, Patrick Henry, Cedarville and people like Bill Gothard handle sexual abuse. Or abuse their authority to promote sexual abuse in Gothard’s case.

These are troubling things that happen in some of the most “Christian” settings and are dismissed because of victim blaming or because somehow the victims brought this on themselves. To you who say that…Here. I will warn it is very sarcastic.

There are a few brave people working to bring help to the victims of sexual abuse and stop the victim blaming within the church. There is a petition that you can sign and I ask that you would consider doing so.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Let me know what you think :)